Back to School Means a Busy Summer for Commercial Electrical Contractors
When school’s out for summer, that’s when the work starts for Excel Electrical Contractors. Once children and teenagers at schools and colleges finish for their summer holidays, electrician teams moved onsite to install all manner of electrical services to classrooms, offices, corridors, reception areas, kitchens, assembly halls and sports facilities. Being an NICEIC approved electrical contractor, our skills and expertise are in demand across a variety of commercial electrical installations. It’s been a busy summer in the education sector, providing high quality electrical installations in schools and colleges across the region. Apart from the completion of refurbishment works in local schools in the Staffordshire, Shropshire, Wolverhampton, and Walsall areas. Major electrical projects have also been undertaken at Abbey College in Manchester.
Tim Cowling, proprietor of Excel Electrical Contractors adds,” Most work involved energy efficient lighting, LED panels and energy efficient hand dryers in primary schools. At Abbey College in Manchester we carried out installations in offices, reception, corridors, communal areas, and lecture rooms. This is one of the larger projects we won for this summer and completed in the holiday period. Many other school projects were completed in this same holiday period, yet again we brought all works in on time and within budget. The teams showed high professionalism to ensure all requirements were met as well as undertaking any extras put on to our work load this summer. Our regular clients were still being looked after in what is always our busiest time of the year, but we’re big enough to cope, small enough to care.”
Do You Need an NICEIC Commercial Electrical Contractor?
Commercial premises, education establishments and industrial buildings require regular investment and updates to their electrical infrastructure. An energy efficient electrical system can save your school, college, or business a lot of money. We are all encouraged to be more environmentally responsible but energy efficiency financial sense too. Keeping a premises secure requires the installation of security and monitoring systems like CCTV, for example. Adhering to health and safety laws requires regular testing of the infrastructure and electrical appliances. Excel Electrical Contractors can carry out PAT testing and any type of work you would expect from a commercial electrical contractor with NICEIC approval.
To discuss your requirements or to get a quote from us, please get in touch.